Abstract information > Information for abstract submissionAbstract submission will open on March 1st 2018 Deadline for abstract submission: May 15th 2018 Participants must create an account before submitting abstracts and/or register. To do this, go to "create an account" in the menu "Connexion". Once your account is created, the "Registration" and "Submissions" menus will become accessible. You can then follow the instructions allowing you to register to the conference and workshops, and to submit your abstract for a presentation
Participants are invited to submit an abstract for an oral presentation or a poster on the main theme of MarineLipids2018:
Theme 1 - Lipid structures and functions at cellular and sub-cellular levels Theme 2 - Role of fatty acids and sterols in the maintenance of membrane fluidity, integrity and cell signaling - How this role can drive the distribution of marine organisms in the oceans? Theme 3- Metabolism of polyunsaturated fatty acids and sterols in phototroph and heterotroph marine organisms - Biochemical pathways for anabolism and catabolism Theme 4 - Transfer and role of polyunsaturated fatty acids and sterols in aquatic food webs - Trophic upgrading by protists, heterotrophic flagellates, and zooplankton Theme 5 - Effects of the environmental changes on lipid metabolism in marine organisms (prokaryotes, unicellular eukaryotes, metazoans) and on trophic transfer. Consequences on lipid synthesis, transfer and degradation in biogeochemical cycle. Theme 6– Lipid characteristics and synthesis in extreme ecosystems (polar, deep ocean,..) Theme 7 - Influence of lipids on health and condition in finfish and shellfish aquaculture Theme 8 - Influence of lipid pathways on contaminant fate in organisms and ecosystems Theme 9 -Lipid oxidation and toxic lipids Theme 10 - Advances in analytical chemistry of lipids - Compound specific stable isotope analysis of lipids Theme 11 - Marine lipids, human health and ecosystem services - Lipids in emerging biotechnology and blue economy
Abstracts must contain the following items, in the cited order:
Title. Title in lower case and bold. Title must not exceed 30 words or 180 characters; Author(s) name(s). Use only initials in uppercase and first author’s name in bold. Do not abbreviate first names. Affilation(s). Indicate authors’ affiliations and addresses. Include e-mail address of at least the first author; Abstract. The Abstract must be in running text (no paragraphs) and show the essential qualities of the presentation, including an objective statement on the obtained results. Text must be 200 to 400 words, excluding other items. Key words. Include at least one and no more than five key words or expressions; do not repeat title words or expressions. Submission type and conference topic/theme(s). oral presentation or poster, See theme list of the conference above. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to request that an oral presentation be changed to a poster or vice versa, to help ensure the organisation of balanced thematic sessions.
After submission, you will receive a confirmation email upon receipt of your abstract.
All abstracts, both oral and poster presentations, will be published in the abstract book.
If you have any questions or problems in abstract preparation or submission please contact us at marinelipids@sciencesconf.org Instruction for oral presentations: All oral presentations will be given to the technical staff before 5:00 pm the day before the presentation. Each oral presentation will be limited to 15 minutes (including questions).
Instructions for posters: The posters will be exhibited over the duration of the conference at the IUEM. Billboards will be available for displaying your poster. The size of the poster must not exceed 80 cm in width / 110 cm in height.